TGM Notice: Identifying Information Required in Filings Pursuant to TRCP § 30.14

The Texas Guardianship Manual committee has posted the following notice in regards to the latest supplement:
Identifying Information Required in Filings Pursuant to TRCP § 30.14
Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code section 30.014 mandates:
(a) In a civil action filed in a district court, county court, or statutory county court, each party or the party’s attorney shall include in its initial pleading:
(1) the last three numbers of the party’s driver’s license number, if the party has been issued a driver’s license; and
(2) the last three numbers of the party’s social security number, if the party has been issued a social security number.The provision is not applicable to guardianship pleadings filed in a statutory probate court, and guardianship proceedings initiated in a statutory probate court are not required to include this identifying information. However, some statutory probate courts, by local practice, may still expect or require such information to be included. For matters filed in a court other than a statutory probate court, the identifying information must be included in the pleadings as dictated by section 30.014. The forms included in this manual should be modified to comply with section 30.014 and provide identifying information as appropriate, given the particular circumstances of each cases.
If you have any questions we would be happy to put you in touch with our publications attorney for this practice manual. Please email