Ditch the Binders! The Texas Family Law Practice Manual Is Now a Softbound Book!

We are thrilled to announce the publication of the streamlined 2020 edition of the Texas Family Law Practice Manual, an essential resource on which family law attorneys in Texas have come to rely.
No longer a bulky set of six three-ring binders paired with a practice notes book, the Texas Family Law Practice Manual is now a beautiful four-volume softbound set, complete with a digital download of the entire book, including forms.
Notes on the 2020 Edition
The 2020 edition of the Texas Family Law Practice Manual contains updates based on 2019 legislation and recent rule changes and reflects decisions made through the court term ending in August 2019. This new edition adds chapters on contempt and attorney’s fees (including a form for prove-up), and chapters on enforcement have been substantially revised.
A new motion and order for court proceedings during an emergency – like the COVID-19 pandemic – have been added. Other new forms include a client document checklist, forms for receivership of businesses, jurists for unsworn declarations, and informal settlement agreements.
Among other revisions to form language are those for pattern interrogatories, employment contracts and other client contact forms, temporary orders, mediated settlement agreements, divorce decree and AID provisions on income taxes and the division of employee benefits, possession provisions for religious and cultural holidays, step-down provisions for life insurance for child support, QDROs and military retirement orders, and non-marital cohabitation agreements.