Proposed Changes: Texas Pattern Jury Charges—Business, Consumer, Insurance & Employment, 2020 Edition

Drafts with proposed changes for the upcoming Texas Pattern Jury Charges—Malpractice, Premises & Products, 2020 Edition are now available. Access them by clicking the download button below.
The committee that works on this edition strives for objective, well-drafted charges and commentary that accurately reflect Texas law. Your feedback will help the committee achieve that goal. Comments on the drafts can be sent to
As always, TexasBarBooks appreciates your assistance in crafting jury charges that are the most widely accepted in Texas.
Summary of Changes
PJC 51.18 Questions, Instructions, and Comments on Emergency Medical Care Situations [replaced]
PJC 51.20 Questions, Instructions, and Comments on EMTALA [updated]
PJC 61.4 Comments on Negligent Misrepresentation [expanded to explain actions as applied to attorneys]
PJC 72.3 Instruction and Comments on Capital Murder as Ground for Joint and Several Liability [updated]
PJC 80.7 Instructions and Comments on Personal Injury Damages for Preexisting Conditions and Aggravations of Preexisting Conditions [updated, subsuming old PJC 80.8] and for Eggshell Plaintiffs [new]
PJC 80.8 [subsumed into PJC 80.7]
PJCs 80.9–80.12 [renumbered to PJCs 80.8–80.11]
PJCs 85.5–85.8 and 85.11 Questions, Instructions, and Comments on Statutory Ground for Removing Limitation on Exemplary Damages [updated regarding culpable mental state]
PJC 85.8 Instructions and Comments on Aggravated Assault as Statutory Ground for Removing Limitation on Exemplary Damages [updated for legislative amendment to code on intent]