James E. Brill: A Tribute to a Dear Friend and Colleague

We are profoundly saddened by the death of Texas lawyer James E. Brill. Mr. Brill, who specialized in probate, estate planning, and real estate law, was very well regarded in this state and a recipient of multiple awards. He labored diligently as the editor, project director, and principal author of the Texas Probate System. We remain greatly in Jimmy’s debt for the many years—more than four decades—that he dedicated to helping Texas lawyers, not only through this publication but through many other activities, including service in all aspects of continuing legal education.
Texas Bar Books publications attorney Sue Mills, who worked with him for several decades on the Texas Probate System, said of his impact on the legal profession: “Jimmy Brill was a superb lawyer, with a strong commitment to excellence and service. Generations of Texas lawyers have benefited from his special gift for developing ways for lawyers—especially solo practitioners—to provide quality client service with enhanced efficiency. His expressed wish was to be remembered as a lawyer who helped other lawyers, and that wish will surely be granted.” According to senior editor Michael Ambrose, “He was a practitioner from a different era—kindlier, more collegial, even more courtly.”
To say we are grateful for our time with Mr. Brill would be an understatement. Jimmy Brill, you may be gone but you will never be forgotten.