
Conor Jensen

Law Practice Management Logo

The State Bar of Texas established the Law Practice Management Program in 1995. The program initially served solo and small firm practitioners on questions of day-to-day practice. The program has since evolved to address new and emerging challenges in contemporary law practice.

A wide community of professionals inform the work of the program. The lawyers most closely involved are members of the Law Practice Management Committee, a standing committee of the State Bar of Texas. The Committee’s mission is to promote the efficient, ethical management of the delivery of legal service; the viability of practice at reasonable prices; and the management knowledge and skills of the members of the Bar.       

Meet the Committee

The State Bar Legal Resources Division operates the daily activities of the program. Bar professionals assemble resources, educate, and field questions from members, their staff and families, and the public. The Division also manages the Texas Bar Practice website.

About Us

Last Update: September 27, 2020  

September 27, 2020 1919  LPM Help Center
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